Sunday, October 16, 2011

the inexpressible

"After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music."
Aldous Huxley

With each new post, this blog is becoming more about sharing and less introspective. I am not quite sure whether I like it. But, I suppose change is as good as a holiday.
Here are links to some songs that are on my playlist right now:

I will always love Ingrid Michaelson. Her music moves me.
This is "Keep Breathing".

And here is another: "Turn to Stone" also by her.

I also love Regina Spektor and this song "Eet" is weird and wonderful.

Lastly, as far as Regina Spektor goes: "Samson" is also beautiful.

Being a huge Grey's Anatomy Fan, I love and her version of this song, "The Story" is one of my all-time favourites.

Enjoy... <3

"It was my 16th birthday - my mom and dad gave me my Goya classical guitar that day. I sat down, wrote this song, and I just knew that that was the only thing I could ever really do - write songs and sing them to people."
Stevie Nicks